Hi. I'm Jadan.
This is a redwood tree. Well, some of one.
Our first stop was the Redwood Forest National Park, and, as you can see, it was pretty amazing.
Redwoods can grow usually about 300 feet high or so, maybe more. The trees were so tall that dad eventually had to prop his head up on his hands to keep his neck from aching. But it did anyway.
My head ached so much, it fell off here. But Brie ended up finding it in a nearby fern, and then everything went well head-wise from there.
You know that moment when a tree is falling towards you, and the roots are 6-12 feet long and
extending out more than 50 feet, and then you realize that you're spending too much time marveling
at the size of the roots above you, and then realize that the roots are falling on you, not the top of the tree, which is weird...
And then your little sister catches the 1.6 million pound tree just in time,
allowing you to get away before it causes your
body to collapse and flatten under the weight of the tree. Thanks, Ellie.
After that debacle, we explored a giant goosepen.
A goosepen is a redwood tree that got hollowed out by fire. Redwoods have fire resistant bark,
so during a forest fire, the inner wood sometimes burns out while the bark stays intact.
They're called goosepens because pioneers used these hollow trees to keep their geese in.
And probably chickens or ducks too, but they're called goosepens for a reason, right?
I'm not sure if this is a redwood tree, but it was quite heavy.
It took some effort to hold it up like that.
And then here comes Brie...
The biggest tree we saw there was the Big Tree. Yeah, that's what it's called.
It's one of the largest trees in the world. It's 304 feet tall and has a 21.6 feet diameter.
This is us, hugging a random redwood tree.
On 9/25/2016 we went to the Sequoia National Park. Sequoias are also very big.
This is Paul, the pinecone. He is my friend. Mom says he's a sequoia cone, but all things that look like this are pinecones. As you can see, Brie was a big fan.
What looks like a cave here is actually a huge sequoia, hollowed out (goosepen?!) and hard as rock.
It was kind of diagonal, so the climb wasn't too hard. But it was fun. Guess who got to the top first?
Yep! PAUL! I had to use both of my hands for a bit, so I threw him up to the other side.
Then I got there second. In the picture above, I'm holding Paul triumphantly above my head.
I had a lot of fun, and even though Paul didn't get to come back with us, I'm glad that we went.
Now, this is called Jadancraft. So where's the Minecraft?
I made this command that generates a huge redwood tree wherever you are.
Download the world, try it out, copy the code, go forest crazy.
(sometimes this video doesn't work, so if it doesn't, let me know!)
Click here to download the world!
Have a good day, and have fun with your digital redwood trees.